By Dr. Michael McManmon, CIP Founder
So, you’re off to start the next chapter in your life. You’re going to a school, college, or a program away from your home and your family, possibly for the first time in your life. In your heart, you know that you are ready for this change, but naturally, you are filled with mixed emotions.
Your parents have done much to advocate for you. They have provided you with a safe and loving environment in which you could grow. You have depended on them for many things that you will now have to do for yourself (food, shelter, clothing, budgeting and transportation, just to name a few). You may still depend on them in ways that other college students are more independent (such as emotional support, decision making, and advocacy).
How do you break this dependency on them? How do you build interdependent relationships with others in order to accomplish your goals? How do you deal with loneliness and isolation at college? How do you deal with the feelings you have about leaving home? Can you take the steps to write your feelings down?