2024-2025 Theme: Step Into Your Story


This upcoming year marks CIP’s 40th Anniversary. We are excited to announce next year’s 2024-2025 theme: Step into Your Story,' a call to action for all of us as we navigate the chapters of our lives. This year, we are not just participants in our stories but the authors of them, with the power to shape our destinies.


Each of us has our own continually unfolding plot in which we call life:

"Like any great story, our lives are composed of a series of chapters, each one crafted by our choices, experiences, and the paths we decide to follow. As we step into this year, let us be mindful of the narrative we're creating, recognizing that each day offers a new page to write."


There are constant twists, turns, surprises; filled with joys and sorrows:

"Life, in its essence, is unpredictable. Just as a book wouldn’t captivate us without its twists and turns, our lives are made richer by its surprises. Embrace the unexpected, and find the resilience to journey through the highs and the strength to learn from the lows."


Our internal dialogue acts as an ongoing narrative:

"Our thoughts and self-talk are the narrators of our story. They can uplift us and propel us forward or hold us back. This year, let’s aim to nurture a narrative that supports our growth and bolsters our courage to face new challenges."


Our cast of characters, slowly, unfolds and changes over time:

"Every person in our lives adds depth to our story. Some characters may stay for a season, while others remain through many chapters. Value these relationships, for they contribute to your story's richness and teach us more about ourselves."


All this goes on around us naturally:

"Notice the natural progression of events and relationships as they unfold. There is a rhythm to life that, when we tune into it, can guide us towards our most fulfilling paths."


We are living in our own story and we have a choice as to what character we get to play:**

"This is your narrative, and you hold the power to choose your role. Will you be the hero of your story, the one who overcomes adversity and inspires others? Or perhaps the explorer, always seeking new experiences and knowledge? Decide the part you wish to play and step into that role with conviction."


**Stories help us connect on a deeper level and answer important questions:**

"Stories are not just about entertainment; they are vital tools for connection and introspection. They help us to see commonalities in our aspirations and challenges, drawing us closer to one another."


Now, as we move forward, ask yourself these pivotal questions:

  • Who do you want to be?
  • Where will you go next?
  • What challenges will you face and conquer?
  • Who will you become?


Let these questions guide you as you write your chapters this year, and may your story be one of courage, discovery, and connection. As we step into our stories, let us link our narratives together, supporting each other in our journeys, and celebrating the tales we tell."


As we embark on this year, remember, your story is uniquely yours. It’s time to pick up the pen and step into your story. Let's make it a story worth telling.

About the Author: Dan McManmon, President

As President of the College Internship Program (CIP), Dan strives to achieve long-term vision and alignment with CIP’s core values and founding principles by ensuring operations, marketing, strategy, and programming are effectively implemented across the organization.