Featured, CIP Berkeley, CIP Bloomington, CIP Brevard, CIP Long Beach, CIP Berkshire, admissions Admissions Insights: Why Families Enroll in CIP's Transition Programs Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, in-focus Get To Know Dominique Ousborn: Career Coordinator at CIP Berkeley In-Focus features a staff member as a way to learn more about our amazing staff. This time, we... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley CIP Berkeley Is On The Move! Due to sustained growth and to best serve their students, CIP Berkeley is moving to a larger space... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley Overcoming Obstacles: A CIP Student's Story When young adults with autism and LD move away from home their lives can become complicated and... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley Reflections on 2020: Through The Lens of a Young Adult with Autism Based on my Experience as a Young Adult with Autism By Tristin M. In early March of 2020, when I... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Blog, Student Contribution Blog: What CIP Means To Me Contest Winner - Tristan Meet Tristan, a student from CIP Berkeley and the winner of our What CIP Means to Me Contest! Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Student Profiles Meet CIP Berkeley Student, Harper: She's Rocking It! Harper is one of the many students that takes full advantage of the career services provided to... Learn more...
Featured, CIP Berkeley, Press The Daily Californian: CIP Helps Students with Learning Differences Develop Interpersonal Skills The College Internship Program, or CIP, which has a location in downtown Berkeley, gives students... Learn more...
Featured, CIP Berkeley, Blog, Press The Mercury News: Autism Spectrum Support Program Moves to Downtown Berkeley The College Internship Program for young adults on the autism spectrum, with ADHD, and other... Learn more...
Featured, Staff Contribution, CIP Berkeley, Blog, CIP Bloomington, CIP Brevard, CIP Long Beach, Autism, CIP Berkshire, Resources Transitioning Beyond a Post-Secondary Program At the College Internship Program (CIP), our objective is to support young adults on the Autism... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, CIP Bloomington, CIP Brevard, CIP Long Beach, CIP Berkshire CIP's National Centers Celebrate Another Successful Programming Year Since most of our CIP centers have handed out certificates and said their goodbyes to transitioning... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Blog, Academics College Academics at CIP Berkeley During the Spring Semester, students completed courses at various colleges around the Bay area,... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Student Contribution Dating & Relationships: A CIP Student's Perspective & Advice In our latest blog post, CIP Berkeley student, Emma, writes about her experience in the dating... Learn more...
Staff Contribution, Career Development, CIP Berkeley, Blog, CIP Bloomington, CIP Brevard, CIP Long Beach, Internships, CIP Berkshire Resources: Careers and Jobs Support for Students with Autism and LD All CIP students develop comprehensive employment skills through extensive training, counseling,... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Press Contra Costa Times: Berkeley Program Helps Those on Autism Spectrum to Transition After High School Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Blog, Student Contribution, Student Profiles My CIP Berkeley Experience: By Sheryl M. Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Blog, Student Profiles CIP Student Profiles: Yehuda A. Yehuda A. speaks about his experience before CIP and how the program helped to transform his life... Learn more...
CIP Berkeley, Blog, Student Contribution, Student Profiles Learning From Your Failures with CIP's Support CIP student Kaitlyn speaks during parent weekend about learning from her failures. Learn more...