Lazuli Davis, M.A., Ph.D. ABD

Lazuli has worked as an educator for young adults for over ten years as an instructor at Indiana University, Ivy Tech, and as the Social Skills Coordinator at CIP. She is autistic, which gives her a unique insight and opportunity to teach CIP students in ways that make sense to them. She previously found success teaching at a collegiate level, with evaluations that placed her among the top tier of all educators in the IU system. As the Social Skills Coordinator at CIP, Lazuli helps her students develop and utilize effective social strategies through group and one-on-one modules that target social skills in a variety of contexts. Targeted contexts include building and maintaining friendships and other relationships, engaging with and participating in a community, and building an understanding of common communication practices of allistic and neurotypical people. Lazuli has earned her M.A. in media science from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She is presently ABD in her media science Ph.D. program at Indiana University. She is trained as a research psychologist that specializes in how the mind processes sensory information, and how the body reacts to it. When she’s not teaching social skills, you can find her engaging in her special interests of music composition, photography, tea, (mostly) vegan cooking, and Star Trek.