Florida Today: Young Adults with Autism Get Support at CIP Brevard

Originally Published in Florida Today
April 22, 2016
By Ilana Kowarski 


For young adults, making the leap from living with family to living independently can be difficult. No matter how capable or driven a young adult is, the start of their adult life can be scary, and the transition from childhood to adulthood can be painful. The challenge of achieving independence can feel particularly formidable for young adults with a disability.


That includes young adults who cope with autism spectrum disorder, a mental condition which hinders communication and interferes with the interpretation of social cues, but which often enhances memory, detail perception, and data processing ability.


The College Internship Program in Melbourne, which provides an individualized course of study, therapy, and on-the-job training for young adults with learning disabilities, including those with autism spectrum disorder, and provides those students with dorm-style housing.

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About College Internship Program

The College Internship Program is a comprehensive transition program for young adults on the Autism Spectrum and with Learning Differences. Our Mission is to inspire independence and expand the foundation on which young adults with Autism, ADHD, and other Learning Differences can build happy and productive lives.