CIP Blog

Autism Parenting Magazine: Ways to Help Young People with Autism to Budget

Written by College Internship Program | Feb 12, 2018 8:43:40 PM

Keeping track of expenses can be hard for just about anyone. Money management skills don’t come easy, and often students learn the hard way that it’s more important to buy groceries than to spend money on the latest fashion or video games. Prioritizing isn’t a new concept, but it can be a difficult concept to grasp for a college-aged student who hasn’t had a chance to live independently and make that dollar stretch.

Many students who come to College Internship Program (CIP) have never lived on their own, which makes moving in with a roommate an exciting experience. Students tend to bond during social activities, like outings to the mall, movie screenings, bowling, and eating out at restaurants. But all of these activities come at a cost, and sometimes, our students tend to run out of money a little too quickly as they overspend to match their excitement, leaving them with little to no money left for essentials like groceries. How do we fix this monumental problem? You will find tips for parents and a few of the successful tools we have used with our students.

Originally published in Autism Parenting Magazine, Issue 71